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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Beer and cats

I like beer and I like cats.

Do you?

Check out Chug'd! It's a community website for social beer drinkers who enjoy discussing beer. My personal favorite is Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.

Sign up your feline at Catster! It's a MySpace for cats. My sphynx cat Stetson is a member (outdated photos of him, sorry!).

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Online Bibliography Maker

Check out this website. It's called "bibMe" and it's an online bibliography maker. You should recommend this site to students who come to your library to work on research papers. I've personally used this to create the "work cited" sections on my papers. You can even specify a format! (MLA, APA, etc.)

Social Bookmarking - Top 20

I love saving my favorite website links on the internet as opposed to my "favorites" in my browser because I can access them from anywhere in the world, plus they are available for anyone else to view (with my permission of course). This website lists the top 20 "social bookmarking" websites ranked by popularity:

I personally use to organize my bookmarks.